Transport through waggons

A very interesting alternative

As an international shipper, we offer our customers, besides the common truck and maritime forwarding, the opportunity of transportation logistics through rail.

Through our own siding (300 metres long), we load and unload at our Logistics Centre in Duisburg’s Parallel Harbour. All the halls and also the 6,500 m² open storage are accessible to rail traffic.
Depending on the length of the individual waggons, up to 10 waggons can be accommodated simultaneously. The so-called “block train”, which is often longer than the 300 metre track available to us, can be loaded and unloaded in sections.

All the common waggon types, from open flat railcars to covered waggons can be loaded and unloaded by us. The loading of a Bza for overload limits and for over dimensional loads can also be provided on demand. Amongst other, this also includes sloping loader waggons.
To date, we have handled heavy steel coils, flat plates, heavy plate, slabs and structural steel (steel billets and steel girders) in waggons and have transported them from Duisburg.

Our Unimog road/rail vehicle allows us to shunt flexibly and in an uncomplicated way, on the rails in our own storage location.

Duisburg Hafen 80-103218
Magazin 113 ALG Zietzschmann
Empfängercode 210034